Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm so excited to come to you tonight with ALL of my favorite goal setting and "happy living" tips. These are tried and true, modified and developed over LOTS of reading researching by yours truly. Please take some time to spend on YOURSELF this weekend. Follow these steps, envision your dreams and be sure to come to me with any questions you have. Some good recipes coming to you this weekend :)

1. Reflect on last year

Take some time to write down 5-10 big events of 2012, good or bad. Reflection=learning!

2. Treat your goals like a second job

Without them we're just bouncing and flouncing around in life. They deserve at least 30 minutes per week.  Lump it together or spread them out, it's up to you. In your 30 minutes you'll refine your goals and reflect on the week before.

3. Discipline is the bridge between goal and accomplishment

This discipline is going to keep you on track for your 30 minutes per week.

4. Clear and specific

Make sure you have dates, times, and really specific details. For example, don't just say "I want to cook more." Say "I will cook on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights and here is my meal plan for week 1."

5. Start with one week at a time

Like I mentioned above, one week at a time. I set goals for each week, each month, each quarter and each year. You can even do a 1, 5 or 10 year goal set. You will so absolutely amazing with how productive you are when you have all of this lined out.

6. Set the goal, set a reward and set a punishment (see last year's post on that!)

For example, "I will cook 3 times per week and here is my meal plan for week 1. If I accomplish this I will get a $30 shopping spree at the dollar store. If I do not accomplish this I will wash my husbands truck." See how well this works? :)

7. Write with reckless abandon

When writing down your goals for the 1st time I want you find somewhere quiet and private. Get yourself a nice cup of tea, take your favorite journal and head to the beach, whatever and start writing. Write down ABSOLUTELY everything your little heart desires. Whether it's the most ridiculous item or the smallest gesture of encouragement write it down. My goal sheet may or may not have a convertible Maserati as well as a detailed outline of every herb and vegetable I want in my garden. Do this once every 3 months, set a calendar reminder in your phone or outlook!

8. Revisit once a week

Before you write down your goals for the new week, take some time to read your goals from the week prior and thumb through your other ideas. Keeping these desires fresh in your mind makes them very real!

9. Keep a journal

A journal is great way to not only keep your goals in one place but to document what you eat every day and your accomplishments. Make sure to note how you feel when you cheat and ladies, this is a great place to keep track of ladies things :)

10. Take 1 minute for positive affirmation

Whether it's in the car, in the shower or before bed. Take some time to peek in the mirror and give yourself a compliment. "I'm gorgeous and important," or "I'm generous and compassionate" etc. This is important to do EVERY SINGLE DAY -  write down what your compliment was in your journal :)

11. Get an accountability buddy

Make sure to share these goals with someone you trust. The point is to have someone who can make you stick to your guns.

So there you have it, a whole slew of homework but worth every minute. I promise with this practice you will be living a happier more fortuitous lifestyle.

As a reminder, I'm offering PERSONAL Paleo Consultations for $79 until January 31st. Send me a mail at lauren@simplypaleo.com!

Live to Thrive,


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