Hey there, my feisty followers (and random readers- you should look to your right and enter your email in the box :P)!

Welp, I've a pretty good week.  I finally hit the big 150, 148.6 to be exact! I still have to reach 147 by Thanksgiving but 150 is such a substantial number for me to pass, I'm pretty thrilled.  I also did my first hand stand today!!  I can't wait until I get to feel like an athlete and not like a person that lost weight.

Last night, I planned out the week's meals.  This is one of my favorite things to do (such a nerd, I may or may not do this in excel). I encourage everyone to plan plan plan! It will save you money and time and I don't say that lightly.  Ever go to the store and come out with a bunch of stuff and you still don't know what to cook for dinner? This fixes that :).  I also recommend taking an afternoon and prepping all the things you can make ahead for the week.  This way you can spend more time with your new hubby :P.

On the menu this week (I'll do my best to take good pics and provide the recipes throughout the week):

Thursday- We went out!  We checked out Mimosa and used the Axxess card! It was pretty good. I had the duck and extra veggies.  We also tried the shrimp spring rolls which were kind of cold and I had a nice salad, Jer got the cornish game hen.   Before that we went to SBFC's lecture on how to naturally fight the flu and boost your immune system! It was enthralling as usual.  Dr. Nick (who has the BEST analogies ever) says to remember that just like an acorn needs soil, water and sun (an environment) to become an oak tree a virus needs a weak immune system to realize it's potential.  Don't let your body be that environment for the virus!  There is an EXACT correlation between when I started boot camp and the last time I was sick, that was February.  It's the real deal, let me know if you're curious to hear more and I can point you in the right direction to get your questions answered.

Friday-Buffalo burgers (lettuce wrapped) with bacon, avo, tomato  with home made sweet potato fries

Saturday-Smoked chicken breasts with roasted broccoli and herbed sketti squash

Sunday-Meatloaf & giant garden salad with mustard vinaigrette

Monday-Chili garlic chicken stir fry with cauliflower rice or kelp noodles (if I can find them)

Tuesday- Muscovy roast duck with artichokes and bodacious Brussels

Wednesday-Paleo Pizza!!

Thursday- Crock pot carnitas for carnitas tacos and spicy cole slaw

I made a pretty bitchen dinner on Wednesday.  The picture didn't turn out very good but we had grilled bacon wrapped rib eye, sauteed zucchini and mushrooms and mashed sweet potatoes.  I had me at bacon and rib eye.....lol. Just wrap the rib eyes in 2-3 peices of bacon and throw on the grill for about 5 minutes per side or until bacon looks cooked.  Message me if you want the recipe for the veggies and potatoes.

Aren't you getting sick of my plates? I am..

WOD 8/16:

WU-Thief x2 (bear crawl and sprint to steal the yellow balls from the center and bring them back to your team's hoard).  Volcano's and craters x2 (bear crawl around the gym flipping cones up and down, one team's goal is to get all the cones up and the other teams is down)

MetCon 5 rounds for time- 5 knees to elbow, 10 double under jump ropes, sprint to the shipping container and back, 3 burpees.  I didn't write down my time boo.

Challenge- Max kettle bell (no stopping/pausing) 20lb 21 times.

WOD 8/17:

WU- Partner rows, burpees.

Challenge- Pyramid Pikes (stability ball pikes, kb swings, box jumps) 5 reps each exercise, 10 each, 15 each, 20 each, 15 each, 10 each, 5 each.  Finished in 11:50, used 15lb kettle bell

WOD 8/18:

WU- Dynamic, 5 mins across gym (skips, cross crawl, bear crawl, sprints, high knees, kick butts)

Challenge- 4 minute Stairway to Heaven (burpees, situps, squats) 1 rep each exercise, 2 each, 3 and so on for time.  Finished with 6 full rounds and 5 burpees into the 7th round.

3 rounds of 5 backsquat with 45 lb bar (our team of 3 did 5 rounds of 3 but then we caught on and did some extras lol)

4 minute Stairway to Hell (burpees, situps, squats)- start with my 6 full rounds and 5 burpees and go backwards (ie- start with 1 burpee to get to my 7th round, and then do each exercise 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in 4 minutes).

xoxo Live to Thrive,


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