Hello My Healthy Homosapiens!

A beautiful Tuesday it is! Freezing last night though, jeez!

Attitude of Gratitude:

I'm so thankful for so many things, it's really been contagious!  Our theme of the week last week was "what are you thankful for?"  Everyone has been voicing what they're thankful for all week and it's been so inspirational.  So right now, so I can pass it on, stop and think of one thing that you're really thankful for............................ and now go show him/her/it that you are! It feels so good :)

I've got a recipe for you but first, I wanted to share this great granola I found in the raw section of Whole Foods (aka Lauren's Disneyland).  It's a pretty darn good alternative to granola if you struggle with breakfast.  I say 1/2 an avo, slice of ham and a tomato are better though!

I've also found a whole foods supplement that I'm really happy with.  It's a powder and is 100% organic, it doesn't taste bad either!

Now for a recipe!!! Below is a picture of our delicious smoked meats, brussels sprouts and southern style cole slaw.  The meat is simply dry rubbed with a variety of seasonings.  We like Conecuh brand seasoning but it's hard to come by unless purchased online.  Or you can just get creative! We smoked a grass-fed tri tip, Free Range chicken tits, and organic raw sausage from the butcher for about 5 hours.  The result is a beautiful array of meats that you can use in ALL sorts of recipes throughout the week.  I ended up with the best lunches and even was able to share :). Definitely recommend getting yourself a smoker!

The coleslaw is as follows:

1/2 head of wrinkly cabbage (normal cabbage is fine too)

3 whole carrots

1/2 cup of Paleo Mayo

1tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp organic ketsup

Chop carrots and cabbage in the food processor. Mix the other ingredients in a bowl and mix in the cabbage and carrots. Be generous with pepper :)

You can find my bodacious brussels sprouts recipe here.


Handstands!! YAY!!



WOD 11/29:
WU: Dynamic circle.

Partners Circuit- Med ball pass, kneeling push ups w/ med ball, med ball sit ups.  Stab ball knee ins and Med ball squat press.  Stab ball pike and med ball burpees.

WOD 11/30:

WU- Stick 5 mins.  Squat Clinic-Butt to med ball.  Mobilize- anterior hip, hammy, ankle calf.

Challenge- 5 rounds for time (20 squat, 10 knee to elbow, 5 burpee beam jump, 1 parking lot chariot lap)

WOD 12/2:

Abs of hell!!!!- 3 rounds 10 reps (hollow body circles (5/5), elevators, hollow body rock)

6 Minute Tabata-  Supine/stand rope pull, toe touch (R), push ups, toe touch (L)

Challenge- 4 rounds for time (Overhead lunge (there and back), bear crawl (there and back), 5 burpee box jump)

Finished in 7:55

WOD 12/3:

Ran around on the beach like crazy people playing steal the seaweed bunch! Also inverted plank, body weight rows.


I'll have some more recipes coming your way shortly.  Like really good ones, so stay tuned!

Live to Thrive,


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