Happy Monday Kiddos!

Today I wanted to share an AMAZING website with you!  If you haven't checked out "Make it Paleo" in book form you're missing out on a FANTASTIC resource! This is their brand new website, where they have all the info and then some from their book!!  Soon they'll have recipe builders and interactive shopping lists too! There's also a contest you can enter by signing up as a user, gimme that Le Creuset!


Tonight, I'm making grass-fed beef burgers with sauteed shrooms, bacon, avocado and caramelized onions! SCHWINGGGG!

Did anyone have any good Paleo meals over the weekend??  Let me know in the comments!!!

I know I found a modification worth sticking to, get eggs Benedict without the muffin!!! I added spinach to mine as well, delicious!!

One other thing I wanted to share is Rob Wolf's podcasts!  Just open iTunes and search "paleo."  His whole series will show up and the information here is endless.  I especially like the information on fish oil intake.  I'm only on episode #5 out of 40 something!! I like that it's explicit too, he's a riot!

I hope I've provided you with enough fun stuff to keep you busy on this lovely Monday!

Live to Thrive,


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