Salutations Saucy Succulents!

To begin, a toast: Here's to a year of fitness and nutritional success, accountability, consistent blog posts,  omega 3 and whole foods supplements, decreased toxins, achieving goals, friends, family, my amazing hubby, my goggie and fun in the Santa Barbara sun!

I also wanted to thank Nick and Jen at Santa Barbara Family Chiropractic for putting me on their flyer! I was so touched and it feels really good to know that my progress is profound!  Now to just hit it hard this year!

Before we get to a couple recipes, I thought I'd share my goals for 2012.  After all, once I put it out there, I'm accountable (thank you SBFC!).  If you're interested in setting your own, see the link to SBFC.  Feel free to check in with me to see how things are going!

Specific goals:

Unassisted pull up by my birthday, July 3rd.

  • I want to this because I feel that it's a pivotal and powerful part of my fitness journey.  Plus, bad ass girls do pull ups :)
  • If I achieve this, I will take myself on a $300 Lululemon shopping spree
  • If I do not achieve this, I will cancel my Rhapsody membership

Consistently work out 5x per week for 3 consecutive weeks, to be completed by February 28th.

  • I want this because I consistently work out 4x a week now, 5x is the next step.  Not necessarily 5 boot camps per week but I want to break a sweat 5x a week.  Also, they say that once you get over the hump of a 5th day it's really easy to continue on, so I'm really just tricking myself :)
  • If I achieve this I will buy myself a new bikini
  • If I do not achieve this I don't get a new bikini

Run/do silly things on the beach in a bikini (and feel good about it i.e. minimal jiggles) by May 1st.

  • I want this because last summer I DREADED being in a bikini.  I purposefully didn't do things that required me to be in a bathing suit, and we have a pool so what does that tell you!
  • If I achieve this, Jeremy and I will take a weekend harley road trip to somewhere beachy/warm
  • If I do not achieve this, no going out to dinner for 1 month.

Six pack/defined abs by December 2012 (awesome right?!). 

my future abs
my future abs
  • I want this because I feel that by the end of 2012 I will be in the best shape of my life.  Plus, abs like this are damn sexy and I've always wanted a set lol.
  • If I achieve this, Jeremy and I will go on a big trip (week long, tropical etc) in 2013.
  • If I do not achieve this, no Lululemon for 3 months.

Post to my blog each weekday for 2 consecutive weeks- starting TODAY! (And because I missed Monday, I'll post on Saturday! 

  • Again with the tricking of Lauren, but I feel like blogging is a great way to share what I know about the Paleo lifestyle and the changes that it's helped me undergo.  Naturally, I want to stand on top of a soapbox so let this blog be my box!  Even if it's just an inspirational quote, an article I read or a quick recipe post- consistency is key!  Also, I think I have a bit of a nack in the kitchen so I'd like to share that as well!
  • If I achieve this, I get to buy the Gelish Shellac kit
  • If I do not achieve this goal, I have to hand wash Jeremy and I vehicles.

Run a 5k and beat my first 5k time (maybe the Chardonnay 5k on April 14th!).

  • I want this because I HATE running and I want to beat my last 5k time.  I'm pretty sure it was 38 minutes.  If I beat my time I'm hoping to feel better about running and perhaps I'll want to do it more :).  I think I'd like to take China's running workshop as well.
  • If I achieve this goal I will buy myself the "F%#@ Grains" shirt from Primal Palate.
  • If I do not achieve this, I have to take China's running workshop and run another one (see the tricky tricky again here :P)

Try a crossfit, fitbuddah class by March 31st. 

  • I want to try these classes because I could never even think about doing them before especially Cross Fit.  I'm interested to see how my functional movement skills and new found strength will help me with both!
  • If I achieve this goal Jeremy and I will go to sushi dinner at Sakana.
  • If I do not achieve this, no pedicures for a month.

Volunteer with Unity Shoppe or other non profit organization.

  • I want this because I really want to get more involved in the community.  I met the executive director of the Unity Shoppe and I really like what they do.
  • If I achieve this, my reward will be helping others in need, and I'll get a full body massage.
  • If I do not achieve this, I am an asshole who is a void and uncharitable member of this beautiful community.  I also have to mow the lawn and fold and put away Jeremy's laundry for 2 weeks (*whimper*).

Take my dog (and hubby) to the beach 1x per week until it's light out enough after work (March) Then 2x per week.

  • I want this because she LOVES the beach, and so do Jeremy and I.  It's healthier for all of us to get some sunshine and exercise.
  • If I achieve this, I get to have a mani pedi every 2 weeks for a month
  • If I don't achieve this, no retail therapy for a month.

Attitude of gratitude.

  • I want this because it makes me feel good and it's contagious.
  • If I achieve this, I will be putting positive energy out into the world and it's surely to come back 10 fold!
  • If I don't achieve this, no one will know how much I love and appreciate them!

Save money- ($50 per paycheck to July 1st-then move it to a CD.  $50 per paycheck to December 1st then move it to a CD. ).

  • Baby steps here for me lol.  I want this because Jeremy saves all the money (or out of the 2 of us anyway) and I seem to have a hard time doing that.
  • If I achieve this, I get to buy a new couch.
  • If I don't achieve this, I have to do 50 burpees (I hate burpees but I'm being tricky again because they're good for me, hee hee).
Don't fall asleep on the couch! Get ready for bed-go to bed, every week day in January.
  • I want this because it makes me feel more rested when I know I didn't stumble from the couch to the bed.  Sometimes I don't even wash my face because I'm such a zombie! NOT COOL.
  • If I achieve this, I get a new dresser.
  • If I don't achieve this, I have to do 50 box jumps.
Do a baby house chore 2x per week in February. Spring cleaning! 
  • I want this because it would make house cleaning days and spring cleaning so much easier.  If I knocked a few things per week I'd just have laundry and food prep on the weekends really!
  • If I achieve this, I get a Lulu jacket or bottoms.
  • If I don't achieve this, I have to dedicate a full weekend with no fun stuff to cleaning the house for spring.
Personal development- get through Jim Rohn's "The Art of Exceptional Living" by March 31st.  
  • I want this because I feel that it's important for all of us to do our own personal development.  Think about things, find out new information etc.
  • If I achieve this, I get Lulu something.
  • If I don't achieve this, I have to send my least favorite client and email telling him how much we appreciate his business (this is truly a punishment, trust me).


Alright, well thank you for bearing through those with me.   I've never set goals like this for myself and I think it's high time I did! Otherwise, aren't we all just flailing around in the universe?

Okay now for a couple recipes! I'm feeling like I'm coming down with something so it was all about packing in the good stuff yesterday.

Jeremy and I are doing the "Whole 30 Challenge."  We had Jeremy's favorite dish, "Lauren's Spaghetti" with a bit of variation (things tend to vary in my kitchen :)) We're simply subbing noodles for Spaghetti Squash here, it's LOADED with nutrients and pairs really well with a nice meat marinara (my marinara is not very traditional, I don't start with a mire poix or trinity).  We had a big bunch of roasted Kale on the side.

You'll Need:

1lb. grass fed ground beef

1 whole spaghetti squash (START WITH THIS FIRST-microwave it for 5 minutes so you can cut it in half longways and bake it face down in a large baking dish with a bit of water at 350 for 35 minutes).

1 can San Marzano diced tomatoes (I throw mine in a blender because Jer doesn't like chunky tomatoes.

1 large white onion-diced

6-8 cloves of garlic (go wild with garlic if you want!)- crushed

4 bay leaves

1/4 cup leeks- chopped

3tbs fat (olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, lar- whatevs)

Begin by heating the oil to a medium heat and throw in the onions and leeks.  After they've become softened and a bit translucent toss in the garlic.  Add the bay leaves and let that all get happy together (about 10 mins).

Next add the tomatoes and the beef.  Make sure to break up the beef with a wooden spoon.  After that looks good go ahead and bring this to a boil and add salt and pepper to taste.  Let it cook down/simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, let's make some roasted Kale!  I washed the bunch thoroughly and de-stemmed the leaves, tossed them in walnut oil and salt and pepper and roasted them at 350 for 15-20 minutes (I actually started the Kale after the squash was done so I didn't have to re-preheat).   I pulled them out after 10 minutes and gave them a flip, they were ready at minute 20.  Just be sure you get some nice crunch here but don't bake them so they become Kale chips (which also rule).About to get roasted


Wouldn't it be fun if you had kids to make eyeballs and a smile with olives and an asparagus!? The Kale is the hair see!??! Lol

I also made my own Ghee since butter is not allowed on the whole 30.  It's not terribly pretty but it's oh so good.  I followed this recipe.


I also promised you guys the recipe I made for the Paleo Pot Luck at IBBC.  These were my pork stuffed baby bell peppers with picked onions.  Apologies, I don't have a picture but they were SO good.  We had done a pork butt earlier in the week and after a hectic day at work, a need for an ugly sweater for the party and another need to make a dish for the pot luck I was freaking out a bit!

You'll Need:

10 baby bell peppers- halved

1/2 shredded pork (leftover slow cooker pork butt)

2tbsp red wine vinegar

1 small red onion - chopped

1/2 lime -juiced

1tsbp agave nectar

1tbsp salt

Dash chopped cilantro

Preheat oven to 375.  Place the red onion, vinegar, lime, agave nectar and salt in a bowl and mix well.  Cover and place in the fridge for until your peppers are out of the oven.  Simply fill up the peppers with the pulled pork on a large cutting board and place in the oven for 15 minutes or until peppers are slightly wrinkled.  Remove from oven and spoon the pickled vinegar mixture over each pepper.  Finish with cilantro and arrange on a nice service dish.  Lovely finger food!


I hope everyone had a great New Years and I look forward to accomplishing my goals with my blog followers by my side for support!

Live to Thrive-

Lauren Bragg

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