Salutations Sweeties!

Checking in to give you a dose of the good stuff.  I promised I'd update you on how the Salmon turned out; well it turns out that I made an equally delish meal with the leftovers! First, let's talk fitness.

WOD 11/15:

Team Challenge: Max pull ups (pacer), Jump rope, plank. 3x

10 min AMRAP: 10 weighted, 10 push ups, 1 stairs.  I kicked ass! I did 4 full rounds and a 5th stair.

So let's talk food! Last night I made Perfect Paleo Baked Salmon, Bodacious Brussels sprouts and a green salad.  The Salmon turned out to be pretty delectable, it was moist (I hate that word, say it to yourself....moist, eew) but flaky.  The Brussels are out of this world, I promise; I'm not just saying that b/c I made them.  The sauce can go on any veggie (asparagus, broccoli, dip for artichokes).  Here's a pic:Nutritious and Delicious!

Tonight we had another pretty dern good dinner.  Jer had to work late so I made sure to have a plate for him ready to go. I followed the recipe on Nom Nom Paleo for curry cauliflower.   I also followed the recipe for Salmon Cakesrecipe on Paleo Recipe Queen's site.  Here's a pic (notice the steam):

Nom nom

A couple fun things to close out....Tomorrow is Swendsday breakfast with the goils from the gym/chiropractor.  I'm super excited b/c I've been making Thanksgiving plans and have started to brainstorm Christmas presents! The holidays are upon me :).  On another note, I got my car washed by Diamond Shine Mobile Car Wash and my ride is spotless! I absolutely recommend them!  I also had my very necessary adjustment from the one and only Dr. Nick today, power is on!

I'll be sure to check in and let you know how tomorrow and the rest of the week goes! I'm at 152.8 today and I only have a week to get to 147! Fingers crossed and I'm gonna work my ASSSSS off.


Live to Thrive,


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