Good Evening To You and Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone takes some extra time today to show someone that they love them.  You know, I hear all kinds of people saying that V-day is stupid and a "hallmark" holiday, designed by candy companies etc.  But I say eff that.   If you don't want to but a card and candy then DON'T, but DO take the time to share your love someone, anyone! There's far too many instances where we should say how we feel and express gratitude for those who love us and don't.

So thank you to my readers who put up with my vapid rants, my incessant typos and my bullshit pictures from my iPhone.  The fact that you take the time to check out what I have posted is the coolest thing.  And it any of you ever start a blog, I'll be the first to follow!

A couple other shout outs to some special people.  My new, much larger family.  I love you all and am so proud to be a Bragg.  Mom and Dad, you rock my world every day, I couldn't ask for cooler parents.  I love that we're so close.  Dad- go buy a damn Porche!

Friends- ah my friends.  New and old, the joy that you bring to my life on a daily basis is unreal.  Thank you for supporting me through my changes and craziness.   Love you.

My hubby, this sums it up :) - (My personally written vows on our wedding day 9.10.11)

Jeremy, you are my happiness, my strength, my confidant, my hero, my best friend, my everything.  And today I make a promise to you.  I promise to unconditionally love you, whether our love is simple or an effort.  I promise to appreciate you and to be a faithful, caring wife.  I promise to never go to bed angry and to tell you I love you more than I think I should.  I promise to support and encourage you as we grow together in live and love.  I promise to nurture you and to be your shoulder to cry on.  I promise to listen to you and be patient and honest.  I promise to be playful and sporadic so that we may always laugh together.  I promise to remember that each day is a blessing and with you my side, I am blessed.  Most of all I promise to live a life that honors the vows we make to each other today.

Now for the recipe! Imagine...roasted Cajun chicken breasts, easy acorn squash with ghee and fresh ground pepper and 2 perfectly fried eggs in coconut oil.


Microwave for 3 minutes to soften the squash before you cut it in half lengthwise.  Place the halves face down in a baking dish that will fit in the microwave with 1/4 inch of water for 8-10 minutes.

For the Chicken:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.  Season with your choice of yumminess. I love my Cajun blend!

Fry up 2 eggs per person in coconut oil for about 5 minutes on one side and 30 seconds on the other.  With your first bite, grab a slice of chicken, some squash and a bite of egg and prepare to be AMAZED.

Live to Thrive Lovers!


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