Happy Wednesday Wildflowers!

Since Jer and I went out to dinner last night, I thought I'd share some of my favorite posts by Mark Sisson and Rob Wolf.  When I say these guys are experts on all things Paleo, I mean it.  I've learned so much from them and because sharing is caring, I thought I'd pass on the information.

Top 10 ingredients to make your meals POP!

10 delicious do-it-yourself salad dressings

Brain Foods!

16 most powerful foods

I know I've mentioned Rob Wolf's podcasts before but you should REALLY check them out! It's like a FREE Paleo encyclopedia at your finger tips.  Most of them are based on questions from his listeners too so he addresses real life stuff that we all face instead of shoving a bunch of scientific information down your throat.

I also really like this post for the folks who have kiddos.

Paleo Kiddos

Live to Thrive,


PS- Tomorrow night is pecan and almond crusted rockfish with sweet potato hash and steamed sugar snap peas.  WEUP!

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