Greetings Lover Muffins!

Last week, I had the chance to interview my idol in the Paleo Blogoshpere.  Juli Bauer is the author and creator of PaleOMG.  It's pretty much the most hilarious recipe blog you'll ever come across.  I'm honored that she was willing to do this little project! Not only is Julie an in-your-face, honest and witty fanatic of all things Paleo and Crossfit, she's brilliant chef.  Her recipes are absolutely brimming with creativity and drool-worthy-ness and if you can't find what you're looking for on her site, change what you're looking for.  Here's what she had to say to my ridiculous interview questions.

  • What’s your favorite recipe that you've created?

Ummmmm most likely my plantain pancakes OR if I have to choose something non sweet related, probably my Savory Sweet Potato Meatloaf. Even though that’s still kind of sweets related. Whatever.

  • What’s something no one knows about you?

Oh lord, the public eye knows pretty much everything about me. One thing most people don’t know about me is that I used to sing competitively. Not well. And karaoke scared the bejesus out of me.

  • What do your friends and family think of your Paleo Lifestyle? Who's converted?

My family doesn't really care that much. My dad did Paleo before I even knew or cared what it was. And my uncle has tried it out and loved it. But mostly they just stare at me when I talk about what you can’t eat on Paleo. And then my grandma offers me pie.

  • If you could give Paleo peeps one piece of advice what would it be?

Make Paleo work around your life. Are you not ready to give up cheese yet? Don’t crap yourself about it. It’s ok.  Make Paleo your own. Make Paleo a life you enjoy living.

  • Do you have any weird tricks that you can do with any body parts?

This is a really odd question. I can make myself look pregnant. It’s a mastered skill.

  • Who’s your celebrity crush and why?

The guy from Avatar. I love that man. Avatar or regular human. I’m down for it all.

  • What’s next for the PaleOMG empire?

Hmmm good question. Cookbook then I guess we will have to see!!

  • Where’s the weirdest place you've ever worked?

Here’s the weird thing, I've only worked at two different places my entire life. At a pool or in a gym. So really, the weirdest place I've ever worked is at a coffee shop while blogging. REALLY thrilling.

  • If you were a type of food, what would you be and why?

80% Dark Chocolate. Duh. Because why the hell wouldn't I want to be chocolate?

  • If you were stranded on a desert island, name 5 things that you would want to have with you.

1. plantain chips
2. unlimited supply of beef, grass fed preferably
3. coconut butter
4. sports bra
5. lulu’s

  • What’s in your purse right now?

Honestly, what’s not in my purse. I have my jump rope, socks, 3 water bottles, 2 tupperwares (most likely old food molding in it), 18 chapsticks I still don’t like, twenty to-do lists, gloves, sweatpants. All I know is it smells weird in there.


So there you have it, a look into the beautifully twisted mind of a super star.  Thanks so much to Juli and all she contributes to Paleo land!  The world would be cold, damp and baron place without her.  Yes I maybe have a lady crush on you girl!

Live to Thrive,


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