
I'm SO thankful that you're reading this! This is a big step in my journey and I'm so happy to be where I am. For a bit of background I used to weigh 180lbs and had 30% body fat. I'm currently at 153.5lbs with 24% body fat and I'm not stopping anytime soon! HUGE changes in 4 solid months, lots of people to thank. I eat mostly Paleo and get adjusted by health coach Dr. Nick 2x a week. My other trainers are fierce driving forces and they're AMAZING.

So I seemed to have trouble taking the time to write in my paper journal so I'm giving this a shot. My goal for this is to keep an accurate log of my workouts, meals/recipes and whatever else I can conjure up. Let's start with today!

WOD 11/2/2011:

  • WU: Dynamic w/ bear crawl, burpees, TGU/GD, squats
  • 6 minute AMRAP: 10 burpee box jump, 3 stand up rope climb, 5/side SA OHS 15 lbs.
  • Strap Pull Tabata: 4 rounds, Kris and I, I did 1 round of run and 3 of bear crawl
  • Ring of Fire: Hold plank while others do - 3 burpees, 10 Russian twists- circle round
  • Anywhoodle, I'd like to post a couple other workouts from recent days just so I have my benchmark.

WOD 11/1/2011:

  • WU: 3 prong jump, squats, superman/banana
  • ABS: Small ball 3 rounds
  • Games/relay (I was on the team that had 3 people so I did each 2x
  • Lunge w/medball 14lbs, 20 wall balls
  • Skip/8 pull ups
  • Plank walk/star jacks

Today's Epicurean Episodes (11/2/2011):

Smoothie for breakfast!- Blueberries, mango, strawberries, almond milk, raw egg, kale

Lunch: Fajitas from Rudy's cafe - no rice, no tortillas, add avo and salsa

Dinner: Paleo protein burgers with home made sweet potato fries

Let's just call this the November onward blog!! Here's to a prosperous rest of 2011 and beyond!


Overall today was a great day, my energy was up and I really put some effort into this morning's workout. I'm for sure feeling sore tonight but many thanks to Casey for stretching my calves. Feeling like I have a stupid ridiculous amount on my plate at work but as Jim Rohn says "Stop complaining and change the things you have power to change." I'm working on incorporating some new things for my clients for the busy season but have equally fallen behind in day to day stuff. WHERE IS THE BALANCE!?

On other notes, I need workout gloves and a new mat; also it's cold, I need the new lulu cuddle up jacket :) Super excited about Jeremy (new hubby) and I's trip to SF next weekend!

I still need Jen to help me with my road rage thing. I'm literally calm as a cucumber, listening to "the art of exceptional living" by Jim Rohn and someone cuts me off and I loose it...whoa girl, slow it down!!

Live to thrive,

Love Lauren

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