It's Tuesday my Torrential Tulips!

It's cooling off here a bit in Santa Barbara and we're FINALLY getting some rain this weekend.  Thought I'd share that, it excites me :).

I thought I would share this amazing post by

If you're looking for the "Paleo-elite" bloggers to follow for recipes and advice, this article not only showcases the heavy hitters but has great tips on how to not be stuck in your kitchen for your entire life.

I was really inspired by Melicious's section, that girl has got it going on! She writes the blog "The Clothes Make the Girl" and is the author of Well Fed (which I'm dying to get my hands on if anyone is feeling like they want to buy me somethin' :)).   Super spunky and funny, her blog needs to be bookmarked in your Paleo world.

How cool is this by the way?! I started my own herb garden, Chia style.  Thanks to my beautiful sister and Christams I'm about to have sweet basil, chives and parsley!  Thanks Snooosie!

I also made a pretty derrrn good omelet on Saturday morning (sorry the pic isn't too good).  I want to encourage everyone to get creative with your eggs!! This little number had 6 eggs, bacon (leftover from the week, a rarity I assure you), green onion, mushrooms, broccoli stems, zucchini,  a splash of Tapatio and salt and pepper.   Pretty much any veggie in your fridge will suffice, so go wild and omelets are NOT just for brekkie.  Remember how fun it was to have "breakfast for dinner" when you were a kid?  It's still fun :).

I made Nom Nom Paleo's Damn Fine Chicken with a couple of modifications.   I didn't have the specific onions she called for so I used 1/2 large white onion and 1 large shallot.  I also used a different brand of fish sauce but let me tell you, this is truly damn fine chicken.  It's juicy, savory and a touch sweet due to the carameliztion of the onions.  We just served this up with a big garden salad.  During the prep of which, I almost successfully tried to amputate my thumb. Boo and ouch- respect the knives people.  Alas, I am alive and okay :).

Our good friends Ben and Kysha made us an incredible Whole30 approved feast on Saturday night.  I'm hoping to get Kysha to guest blog and share her recipes, we ate until we couldn't move! FAB!  Stay tuned for that.

And thank you Georgette for being so stoked on my blog! You're my inspiration to keep the fun coming!!

Looking forward to checking in tomorrow :)

Live to Thrive,


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