Hey there beautiful followers!

Long time no talk! Dammit, I'm still learning to find the time but I will improve I promise.  Let's take a step back a day or so and I'll say I had an amazing weekend!!  To start, this is what I got to see last Friday morning.

In carp on friday

Anytime I get a full weekend day at home to do chores and cook etc. is incredible. But that's not all, I went on a culinary bender, got some exercise, saw my Mom and Dad, cooked my now, much smaller ass off and even got to watch a new episode of Dexter. Ahhhh the joys of life.

We went to the IBBC client appreciation potluck on Friday night and I brought a version of the Roasted Beet and Brussels Sprout Salad from PALEOdISH.com (love by the way).  It is truly delectable so I thought I'd share.



Saturday Beach WOD (8:30am at Ledbetter, CHILLLLLY and Jeremy came!):

WU: Jog to water and back, hops over the logs, squats, burpees, partner strap pulls.
Challenge: The craziest Tabata ever (x2)- Alternate team log pull with straps and bear crawl. 20 seconds each, 4 minutes on way down the beach, and 4 minutes back down! And this log was HUGE!!!!
In between we did the really low squats, I can't remember what they're called but Casey said there is a 5 minute challenge to stay in that position, I'm thinking I may add that to my wish list for the end of the year. Since I haven't told you what's already on that list here goes:

  • Unassisted pull up
  • Hand Stand
  • Super low gnarly squat 5 minutes
  • A 6 pack would be nice too, but that's a toughy

After our workout (Jeremy had a blast and it's needless to say we got our asses handed to us), we met Mom and Dad at Jeannine's in Montecito.  I had my cheat meal of cheats!!! I had their amazing Eggs Florentine Benedict with ham and a Mimosa!  If you haven't been to Jeannine's you MUST go.  It is honestly so delicious and the atmosphere is darling.

After that, Jeremy and I went on a Harley ride, stopped at the Harley store and got us some new gear and went to Mom and Dad's house.  They just moved and Jeremy hadn't been before so that was nice.  We wrapped up Saturday with dinner at Sakana (sushi).  So yeah, Saturday was lovely.

Now hear Sunday!  We woke up a little earlier than normal because of Daylight Savings Time which gave me a perfect jump on the day.  I immediately put on some comfy house clothes and headed to the kitchen.   For breakfast I made a version of a smoothie inspired by Jen, I'm gonna call it the Bomb.COM Smoothie.  I also heated up some Paleo Egg Bites that I made earlier in the week and sliced up an avocado with some Tabasco and salt and pepper!  Breakfast of champions!

By then you can imagine how much energy I had for the rest of the meals I had up my sleeve.  The next project I started on was the dehydrator.  Since it was our newest foodie toy I mostly poked at it and made strange faces as I tried to determine what to do with it.  But then it hit me, I'll do some apples!  So I sliced up some granny's and cored them and sprinkled them with cinnamon and in they went for about 4 hours.  The end product = WHOA.

Cinnamon Apples

Then there's the kale chips! They're super easy and delicious.  I always buy an extra bunch for these now :) Just toss in some good oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper, throw em in the oven at 400 for about 15 minutes or until crackly and crunchy looking.  You may want to stir about halfway through.

Kale chips before
Kale chips complete!

Next, I made some egg salad with Paleo mayo, pickles, mustard, red onion and salt and pepper.  I ran across a recipe that wrapped hard-boiled eggs in seaweed but I can't recall where I found it....I thought it would be even better to make egg salad and wrap it up! So I dressed up the eggs, wrapped them in a sheet of seaweed and had that for lunch yesterday with a leftover chicken thigh that we smoked on Sunday.

For the grand finale, I made stew! "Lauren's Pale-Throw-it-all-together Beef Stew" that is.  We had a chuck roast in the freezer from our Dey Dey's Best Beef group buy but I had NO idea what the hell to do with it.  I'm pretty sure that if you cook anything long enough in the crock pot it turns out delish.  So in it went with some random, in-the-fridge accouterments and it really, really was good!  My theory is correct! Good leftovers too.

Lauren's "Pale-throw it all together Beef Stew"

After I got done in the kitchen I went and got a mani/pedi and ran by Lululemon (you'll soon know this is my FAVORITE store in the world- besides Whole Foods of course) and picked up some Groove Pants and the Scuba Hoodie and a new Power Y.  They're all pure gold, I'm pretty sure you'll have to peel them off of me to wash them lol.  It's been chilly in the morning so now my winter workout attire is looking better :)

So you see friends, it really was a fantastic weekend! But the best, best part was that my hubby was home the whole time!  So good to have him there after months of zero days off, love you babe.

Stay tuned for Tuesday's WOD and more!

Live to Thrive,


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